Saturday, January 31

Day 27

As You Rise ... 1 Samuel 13-16
Chapter 13 in mp3
Chapter 14 in mp3
Chapter 15 in mp3
Chapter 16 in mp3

My time isn't God's time.

It is sometimes hard to remember that. We have our day planner, google calender, phone with task lists and email and IM. "Alright Lord ... does Thursday next week work for you? It would be best then ... If not maybe ... the .... Monday after in the afternoon?"

LORD, I pray for patience and the strength to do my tasks for only this day.
As You Walk By The Way ... 1 Samuel 17-21
Chapter 17 in mp3
Chapter 18 in mp3
Chapter 19 in mp3
Chapter 20 in mp3
Chapter 21 in mp3

Stones from mountain streams are so cold and smooth in your hand. Water continually runs on them wearing them down to a polish like finish. Five small stones started as rocks and God placed them in a stream years ago. Years passed by as people came an went. In all that time the stones waited for the young boy to trust more in God than in size and power.

In your life is God placing you in the stream to be worn down and smoothed for use? Or is God waiting for you to pick up what He has made and to do what is right?

When You Lie Down ... Luke 10-11
Chapter 10 in mp3
Chapter 11 in mp3

But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

A big issue with math homework is ... "How much do I have to do?" Students always seem to want to do as little as possible. It may be that they are busy or lazy. But, they just want to do only what they absolutely have to. The truth of mathematics is ... you have to do as much as you can possibly do to learn it. You learn nothing if you just want to pass by the skin of your teeth.

In the question to Christ above the man was asking what was the least amount of work he had to do. It is interesting the answer wasn't ... "you need to get 70% correct to pass." The answer was ... "you need to give it your all to pass."

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