Friday, January 9

Day 5

As You Rise ... Exodus 1-6
Chapter 1 in mp3
Chapter 2 in mp3
Chapter 3 in mp3
Chapter 4 in mp3
Chapter 5 in mp3
Chapter 6 in mp3

God said to Moses, "I am who I am."

I was asked today about talking to people who don't believe in God. Is there an argument you can use? Can you prove God? No. God Is. He is above explanation. He is above a single name. We can not box Him into a step by step process to find Him.

God is the I AM.

As You Walk By The Way ... Exodus 7-11
Chapter 7 in mp3
Chapter 8 in mp3
Chapter 9 in mp3
Chapter 10 in mp3
Chapter 11 in mp3

We can not box God into a process to prove Him. And mankind does not want to see Him anyway. The wonder of all creation ... we explain away with evolution. The love of family that acts as a model of God's love ... we explain away with psychology. We wrap ourselves in science and proofs and explanations. We still cry out: It is by OUR hands that this has come to be. We can control it.

Like Pharaoh we have hardened our hearts against God. Pray our hearts soften ... before God softens them for us the hard way.

When You Lie Down ... Matthew 14-15
Chapter 14 in mp3
Chapter 15 in mp3

Hi. Hi. Why are you copying me? Why are you copying me? Stop it! Stop it! AHH! AHH! DAD! Make him stop! Dad! Make him stop!

After that it usually ends up as a fight. To see and then model what we see is one way a child learns. What comes out of our mouth and in our actions is just a model of what is in our hearts. Just like the little brother copying the older, your actions copy your heart. If our hearts are hard dead stones, how dead our actions will be. How cruel and bitter our words will be.

Fixing this isn't about cleaning up your actions. That is just puting red paint on a rotten apple. Fixing this is about looking at your heart. Softening it and shining light within your life.

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