Monday, February 16

Day 43

As You Rise ... 2 Chronicles 17-19
Chapter 17 in mp3
Chapter 18 in mp3
Chapter 19 in mp3

... and said to the judges, “Consider what you do, for you judge not for man but for the Lord. He is with you in giving judgment. Now then, let the fear of the Lord be upon you. Be careful what you do, for there is no injustice with the Lord our God, or partiality or taking bribes.”

How much more justice would be in our culture today if the law was still based on the above. That those in the jury and those in the robes had the fear of the LORD upon them. There really is no injustice with the LORD and neither should we act unjustly.

Once it was true that men understood truth and justice came only from God and that everyone answers to Him. And all laws had to conform that the justice of God. Then just over 100 years ago that changed. It changed from the justice of God to laws being based on previous decisions and cases. And the wisdom of man and "case law" became the disaster we have today.
As You Walk By The Way ...2 Chronicles 20-22
Chapter 20 in mp3
Chapter 21 in mp3
Chapter 22 in mp3

I wonder when God calls us to labor for the victory and when we are called to stand back and watch His hand work. The easy example is that you don't stand in the street praying: "Oh LORD. Deliver me from the bus rushing down the street to kill me!" The answer is obviously: "MOVE!"

Thinking about this I guess my only idea was to trust in God and go out to battle. If His hand works a miracle ... stand and be amazed. If He calls you to fight ... fight with all that you have.
When You Lie Down ... John 13-14
Chapter 13 in mp3
Chapter 14 in mp3

By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

Love each other as you love your family. For your children are of your blood and you love them. Your parents are of your blood and you love them. And you brothers and sisters are of your blood and you love them (sometimes).

But, as Christians we are family by the Blood of Christ. A blood that is deeper and stronger than the flesh of which we are made.

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