Monday, February 2

Day 29

As You Rise ... 2 Samuel 1-5
Chapter 1 in mp3
Chapter 2 in mp3
Chapter 3 in mp3
Chapter 4 in mp3
Chapter 5 in mp3

Pride comes before the fall. The Jebusites felt that Jerusalem was so safe that the blind and lame could fight off David. They were wrong.

Myself, I like to argue ... a lot. And part of that is a pride that I have in figuring out what is right or wrong in a debate. It is my job ( teaching mathematics / logic classes ) and I really like to break down things until I know the why's and how's.

But, pride is a very dangerous thing. Having honorable pride in what we do is a good thing. It drives you to work hard and do well. Having a false pride based on past experience can lead laziness and a fall.

As You Walk By The Way ... 2 Samuel 6-11
Chapter 6 in mp3
Chapter 7 in mp3
Chapter 8 in mp3
Chapter 9 in mp3
Chapter 10 in mp3
Chapter 11 in mp3

Who am I, O Lord God?

Who am I. That is on my mind a lot. It is so hard to access yourself honestly. To not lift yourself up and to not cut yourself down. Just to be honest in looking at where you are, who you are, and what you have done.

I know my weakness and my strengths. And sometimes they are one in the same. O LORD God ... just ... lead me.

When You Lie Down ... Luke 14-15
Chapter 14 in mp3
Chapter 15 in mp3

Ever lose something?

While listening to the parables of the lost sheep and coins I was thinking about the times I lost something at home. You are running around the house getting angry and upset over not finding it. You rip open the curtains to let in more light and shake bags upside down. Take the covers off the bed and the cushions from the couch. Get on the floor and rub your hands on the carpet to see if you can feel it. Yell at the kids in case one of them took it.

And then the feeling you get when you find it. The release you feel in your stomach at finally having it in your hand. It is like you can breathe again.

Or ....

may be it is like this ....

We were at the mall ... And I lost track of my son.

My heart hit my stomach and I got scared and angry and ... I can't even find the words. I thought maybe he went to the restroom. I go in and look under each of the doors.

Not there.

As I go out I notice that the door next to the restrooms that leads outside is propped open ...

That isn't supposed to be like that.

Now I'm really angry and scared. Heading back down the hallway I see a play area with a corner that is kind of hidden. Looking over the wall ...

There he is.

NOW I can't describe the feeling of ... completeness ... that I felt just looking at him.

I suppose that is what God feels when we come home.

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