Thursday, May 7

Day 88

As You Rise ... Jeremiah 43-47
Chapter 43 in mp3
Chapter 44 in mp3
Chapter 45 in mp3
Chapter 46 in mp3
Chapter 47 in mp3

Then confirm your vows and perform your vows!

Do what you say.

It is easy to talk, it is not easy to actually walk in the way you know to be true. I always give advice to my students about working early in the semester and long before the exams come around. But, I personally struggle with that in my own life.

I know what is right ... yet I still hold back on acting out on it. I need to confirm what I say ... and DO IT.
As You Walk By The Way ... Jeremiah 48-50
Chapter 48 in mp3
Chapter 49 in mp3
Chapter 50 in mp3

Their Redeemer is strong; the Lord of hosts is his name.

Do you believe the LORD is strong? That He can do anything?

Or do you hold on to your daily life? Your finances? Your everyday decisions?

When things are going smoothly it is so easy to walk your own path. One where you ignore God and where He wants you to go. Remember: Your God is strong. Trust in Him.
When You Lie Down ... Hebrews 5-8
Chapter 5 in mp3
Chapter 6 in mp3
Chapter 7 in mp3
Chapter 8 in mp3

I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

You know the difference between what "the rules" say and what is right and wrong. Kind of like when you are speeding down the highway. You know it is wrong, but you still try to get away with it. Until your heart drops out of your stomach when you pass the cop you didn't see. Then you slow down for a bit ... and then go back to speeding.

God has placed His Law within you. You know the Truth.

Now all that is left ... is to do it.

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